One-on-One| Sessions scheduled based on availability​.

Workshops | Saturdays @ 2pm or as scheduled for private traveling workshops.

Location| Online & multiple sites near you in Metro Atlanta & surrounding areas.  On-site workshops for your group can be scheduled based on availability.

Creative Expressions

Girls' LYF

Guys' LYF


Training & P.E.E.R. Groups

P.E.E.R. Group Activity Based Training

P.E.E.R. stands for:

P repare

E xecute

E valuate

R egroup/Revise

Cra-Z-Dreams believes that succeeding in anything requires one to:

-- plan, learn, and develop skills in advance (prepare)

-- apply the strategy, knowledge and skills effectively (execute)

--measure the quality and effectiveness of your work (evaluate)

-- make adjustments while persisting in the face of adversity (regroup/revise)

These principles hold true whether you are working alone or with others. 

We help youth consistently apply these practices in teams and individually to achieve goals, impact the world, and enhance personal growth.

P.E.E.R. Group Activity Based Training uses the activities our kids love to teach them how to succeed in LIFE.  Our focus is to develop strong character and skills within our kids that build confidence and maximize success.

Sports Training